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FOMO-2010 Conference: Crete, April 6-11
A pdf version of the whole book of abstracts can be found here. The post deadline abstact booklet is here.
The abstract submission for the printed booklet is closed now.
For electronic only submission please go to the registration page.
Test of gravitation with quantum objects
H. Abele
A simplified fiber-based high-power diode laser system
Vasiliki Bolpasi, Daniel Sahagun Sanchez, and Wolf von Klitzing.
Diffusion of ultra-cold atoms in an disordered pancake potential
T. Bourdel, M. Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, B. Allard, T. Plisson, J.-P. Brantut, L. Pezze, L. Sanchez-Palencia, A. Aspect, P. Bouyer
Dispersive phase shifts due to atom-surface interactions
S. Lepoutre, H. Jelassi, V.P.A. Lonij, G. Trenec, M. Büchner, A.D. Cronin, and J. Vigue
New applications for nano-gratings
A.D. Cronin, V.P.A. Lonij, W.F. Holmgren, C. Klauss, S. Lepoutre, H. Jelassi, G. Trenec, M. Büchner, and J. Vigue
Parametric amplication of matter waves in dipolar spinor Bose-Einstein condensates
F. Deuretzbacher, G. Gebreyesus, and L. Santos
Entanglement and decoherence within neutron interferometry
K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, G. Sulyok, Y. Hasegawa, H. Rauch
Atomic Fresnel Biprism
M. Hamamda, G. Dutier, F. Perales, J. Baudon and M. Ducloy
Negative refraction of matter waves
M. Hamamda, G. Dutier, F. Perales, J. Baudon and M. Ducloy
Molecular Dynamics and Structure in Interferometry
S. Eibenberger, S. Gerlich, M. Gring, S. Nimmrichter, T. Berrada, M. Arndt, H. Ulbricht, K. Hornberger, M. Mü̈ri, J. Tüxen, M. Mayor, M. Böckmann, and N.L. Doltsinis
Towards a lattice based neutral magnesium optical frequency standard.
W. Ertmer, J. Friebe, M. Riedmann, A. Pape, T. Wbbena, A. Kulosa, S.Amairi, H. Kelkar, E.-M. Rasel, O. Terra, G. Grosche, B. Lipphardt, T. Feldmann, H. Schnatz, K. Predehl
Matter wave interferometry as a tool for molecule metrology
S. Gerlich, S. Eibenberger, J. Tüxen, M. Mayor, M. Arndt
Decoherence and Collisional Frequency Shifts
Kurt Gibble
Quantum phase transitions in 1D systems
E. Haller, M. Mark, R. Hart, J.G. Danzl, L. Reichsö̈llner, A. Klinger, O. Krieglsteiner, G. Pupillo, M. Dalmonte, and H.-C. Nä̈gerl
Optical studies of entanglements in a single-neutron system
Yuji Hasegawa
Absolute and ratio measurements of the polarizability of Na, K, and Rb with an atom interferometer
W.F. Holmgren, M.C. Revelle, V.P.A. Lonij, A.D. Cronin
Neutral helium atom microscopy
B. Holst, S. Eder, T. Reisinger and G. Bracco
Bright matter-wave solitons: formation, dynamics and quantum reflection.
S.A. Hopkins, S. Haendel, A.L. Marchant, T.P. Wiles, S.L. Cornish
Probing decoherence and entanglement with molecular systems
K. Hornberger
Intermodulation noise in cold atom interferometers
A. Joyet, G. Di Domenico, and P. Thomann
A parametric amplifier of matter waves
C. Klempt, O. Topic, M. Scherer, B. Lücke, W. Ertmer and J. Arlt, G. Gebreyesus, F. Deuretzbacher, P. Hyllus and L. Santos
Imaging of trapped single Rb atoms
Grigoris Konstantinidis, Gustav Wikström, Olivier Morrizot, and Wolf von Klitzing.
Towards atom interferometry in microgravity
M. Krutzik, A. Peters, and the QUANTUS team
Recent progress towards the quantum limit of optical lattice clocks
Pierre Lemonde, Philip G. Westergaard, Jerome Lodewyck, Arnaud Lecallier, Luca Lorini
Coherent population trapping and the control of light-induced torque on three-level atoms
V. E. Lembessis and M. Babiker
Detection of the He-McKellar-Wilkens phase shift by atominterferometry
S. Lepoutre, H. Jelassi, G. Trenec, M. Büchner, and J. Vigue
Advanced laser systems for coherent manipulation of matter waves in microgravity
W. Lewoczko-Adamczyk, M. Schiemang1, A. Peters, and the QUANTUS team
Ratio measurements of atom-surface potentials reveal effect of core electrons
V.P.A. Lonij, W.F. Holmgren, C. Klauss, and A.D. Cronin
Rovibronic ground state molecules in an optical lattice
M.J. Mark, J. G. Danzl, E. Haller, M. Gustavsson, R. Hart, H.-C. Nägerl
Quantum phase engineering for angular momentum states
S. McEndoo, S. Croke, J. Brophy and Th. Busch
Stability and dynamics of matter-wave vortices in the presence of collisional inhomogeneities and dissipative perturbations
S. Middelkamp, P.G. Kevrekidis, D.J. Frantzeskakis, R. Carretero-Gonzáles, and P. Schmelcher
Exploring the physics of disorder with a Bose-Einstein condensate with tunable interaction
G. Modugno
A novel Ioffe Pritchard magnetic trap for BEC in tuneable elongated traps
Vasiliki Bolpasi, Michael Morrissey, and Wolf von Klitzing
Accuracy of a cold atom gravimeter
S. Merlet, Q. Bodart, A. Chauvet, A. Landragin, F. Pereira Dos Santos
One-dimensional Bose gases in and out of equilibrium
A. Perrin, R. Bu ̈cker, S. Manz, T. Berrada, T. Betz, J. Schmiedmayer and T. Schumm
Superconducting atom chips
J.M. Raimond, A. Emmert, G. Nogues, S. Gleyzes, M. Brune and S. Haroche
Comprehensive Control of Atomic Motion
Mark G. Raizen
Splitting a condensate on an atom chip: effect of temperature and interactions
J. Reichel, K. Maussang, E. G. Marti, T. Schneider, P. Treutlein, Y. Li, A. Sinatra, R. Long, J. Esteve
Poisson’s spot with molecules
T. Reisinger, Amil A. Patel, H. Reingruber, K. Fladischer, W.E. Ernst, G. Bracco, H.I. Smith, and B. Holst
The application of atom lasers to precision measurement
D. Döring, P.A. Altin, G. McDonald, J.E. Debs, N.P. Robins and J.D. Close
Towards simulation of impurity movement through a Tonks-Girardeau gas
L. Rutherford, Th. Busch, and J.F. McCann
An Apparatus for Bose-Einstein Condensates in Novel Traps by Time Averaged Adiabatic Potentials
Mark Baker, Vasiliki Bolpasi, Paul Condylis, Melina Pappa, Daniel Sahagun Sanchez, and Wolf von Klitzing
Towards a quantum test of the equivalence principle using atom interferometry
D. Schlippert, J. Hartwig, U. Velte, N. Winter, M. Zaiser, V. Lebedev, W. Ertmer, and E. M. Rasel
Mobile accelerometers based on atom interferometry for high-precision measurements of local gravity
M. Schmidt, A. Senger, M. Hauth, S. Grede, C. Freier, and A. Peters
Mobile accelerometers based on atom interferometry for high-precision measurements of local gravity
M. Schmidt, A. Senger, M. Hauth, S. Grede, C. Freier, and A. Peters
High precision cold atom gyroscope
C. Schubert, S. Abend, P. Berg, J.E. Debs, T. Denker, M. Gilowski, G. Tackmann, W. Ertmer and E.M. Rasel
Spatial evolution of the phase and spin-echo rephasing in a two-component BEC
A. I. Sidorov
Surface Quantum Optics: from Casimir-Polder forces to tailored optical near-fields
H. Bender, C. Stehle, C. Zimmermann, and S. Slama
Entanglement and Distinguishability of Quantum States
Augusto Smerzi
Precision Measurements with Ultracold Earth Alkaline Atoms
U. Sterr, Ch. Lisdat, J.S.R. Vellore Winfred, S. Falke, T. Middelmann, S. Kraft, F. Vogt, O. Appel, F. Riehle
Atom chip based generation of entanglement for quantum metrology
P. Treutlein, M. F. Riedel, P. B̈ohi, J.C. Halimeh, T.W. Hänsch, Yun Li, and A. Sinatra
Towards the Southampton molecule interferometer
H. Ulbricht, C. Szewc
Sub-Poissonian atom number fluctuations by three-body loss in mesoscopic ensembles
S. Whitlock, C.F. Ockeloen and R.J.C. Spreeuw
Controlling spin dynamics in a one-dimensional quantum gas
P. Wicke, S.M. Whitlock, and N.J. van Druten
Emerging beam resonances in atom diffraction from a reflectiongrating
B. S. Zhao, G. Meijer, and W. Schöllkopf
Quantum reflection of helium atom beams from solid surfaces
B.S. Zhao, H.C. Schewe, G. Meijer, and W. Schöllkopf