  Last Update 8/10/18 

FOMO 2018 CONFERENCE: Crete 17.Sept. – 21.Sept. 2018 // SUMMER SCHOOL 10.Sept. - 14.Sept. 2018

The program of the FOMO 2018 conference 17-21 Sept. 2018

For a pdf version click here

Abstracts are below (Poster, Talks)


Speaker Title
Asenbaum, Peter Precision Inertial Sensing Using Atom Interferometry
Baker, Mark Superfluid dynamics of two-component BEC in a toroidal trap
Barrett, Brynle Toward inertial guidance and navigation with cold atoms
Bateman, James Levitated Optomechanics and Matterwave Interferomery
Cladé, Pierre Atom's Recoil in a distorted optical field
Bouyer, Phillippe Lab-based Einstein elevator for matter-wave interferometry with ultra-cold atoms
Gaaloul, Naceur Degenerate gases at the frontiers of matter-wave interferometry
Garrido Alzar, Carlos L. Spontaneous spin squeezing in a two-component Rb BEC
Geiger, Remi Gravitational Wave Detection with Atom interferometers: Prospects and Challenges
Gerlich, Stefan Long Baseline Universal Matter-Wave Interferometry (LUMI)
Haslinger, Philipp Probing the forces of gravity, blackbody radiation and dark energy with matter waves
Juzeliunas, Gediminas Spin-orbit coupled ultracold atoms in bilayer structures
Klempt, Carsten Entanglement between two spatially separated atomic modes
Minguzzi Anna Josephson oscillations in strongly correlated one-dimensional atomic gases
Novotny, Lukas Levitated Quantum Nanophotonics
Pelegrí Gerard Quantum sensing using imbalanced counter-rotating Bose-Einstein condensate modes
Roura, Albert Gravitational redshift in quantum-clock interferometry
Ruseckas, Julius Nonlinear quantum optics for spinor slow light
Sala, Simone QUPLAS: towards antimatter interferometry
Schlippert, Dennis Mitigation of vibrational noise in atom interferometry: hybrid sensing, large bandwidth sensors, and seismic attenuation
Schubert, Christian Infrasound gravitational wave detection with atom interferometers
Shayeghi, Armin Quantum-Assisted Molecule Metrology
Sidorenkov, Leonid Interleaved atom interferometry for high sensitivity inertial measurements
Tino, Guglielmo Alkali-Earth for Matter wave Interferometry
Treutlein, Philipp Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering and Bell correlations in a BEC
Wales, Oliver Coherent splitting and recombination of bright solitary matter waves
Wolf, Peter Searching for different Types of Dark Matter with Atomic Clocks
Yankelev, Dimitry Quadrature phase detection in atom interferometry
Wang, Jin "ZAIGA: Zhaoshan long-baseline Atom Interferometer Gravitation Antenna”
Zhang, Weiping Hybrid Interferometers
Zhao, Bum Suk Matter-wave diffraction from a periodic array of half planes

Abstracts of Talks


Sala -- QUPLAS- towards antimatter interferometryRoura -- Gravitational redshift in quantum-clock interferometry
Haslinger -- Probing the forces of gravity, blackbody radiation and dark energy with matter waves
Barrett -- Toward inertial guidance and navigation with cold atoms


Zhao -- Matter-wave diffraction from a periodic array of half planes
Yankelev -- Quadrature phase detection in atom interferometry
Wales -- Coherent splitting and recombination of bright solitary matter waves
Sidrorenkov -- Interleaved atom interferometry for high sensitivity inertial measurements
Schlippert -- Mitigation of vibrational noise in atom interferometry- hybrid sensing, large bandwidth sensors, and seismic attenuation
Pelegri -- Quantum sensing using imbalanced counter-rotating Bose-Einstein condensate modes
Minguzzi -- Josephson oscillations in strongly correlated one-dimensional atomic gases
Juzeliūnas -- Spin-orbit coupled ultracold atoms in bilayer structures
Gerlich -- Long Baseline Universal Matter-Wave Interferometry (LUMI)
Garrido -- Spontaneous spin squeezing in a two-component Rb BEC

Gaaloul -- Degenerate gases at the frontiers of matter-wave interferometry
Bouyer/Condon -- Lab-based Einstein elevator for matter-wave interferometry with ultra-cold atoms
Baker --Superfluid dynamics of two-component BEC in a toroidal trap

Abstracts of Posters

Contributed POSTERs

Abend -- Atom-chip based quantum gravimetry with Bose-Einstein condensates
Ablewski -- Analytical and numerical estimations of blackbody radiation shift uncertainty in optical atomic clocks
Barker -- Investigating non-equilibrium physics and universality using two-dimensional quantum gases

Barrett -- Toward inertial guidance and navigation with cold atoms
Canuel -- Exploring gravity with the MIGA large scale Atom Interferometer
Cheiney -- Using a Kalman Filter for hybridizing quantum and classical accelerometers
Cladé -- Atoms Recoil in a distorted optical field
Escudero -- Towards a Steady-State Atom Laser
Freegarde -- Quantum technologies for classical navigators
Gao -- Atomic Interferometric Gravitational-wave Space Observatory (AIGSO)

Gauthier -- Atomic-Density Based Optimization of Arbitrary 2D Optical Potentials Applications in vortex dynamics and phase imprinting of supercurrents
Gebbe -- Scalable momentum splitting in a dual lattice configuration
Kim Lee -- Babinet's principle in atom optics
Lee -- Effect of atom-surface interaction on matter-wave diffraction from a periodic array of half planes
Lien -- Application of optical single-sideband laser in Raman atom interferometry
Lu -- Competition effects of multiple quantum paths in an atom interferometer
Maluckov -- On Nonlinear Localized Flatband Modes In Different Bec Setups
Manz -- Prospects for a Cesium interferometer with tunable interactions
Melezhik -- Ultracold atomic and atom-ion processes in confined geometry of waveguide-like traps
Pawlowski -- Roton in a few-body dipolar system

Poulios -- Radiofrequency-dressed magnetic waveguides and lattices for neutral atoms
Rabault -- An ultra-cold atomic source on a microgravity simulator for atom interferometry
Ruseckas -- Nonlinear quantum optics for spinor slow light
Sahagun -- Light-Structure Heritage through a Four-Wave Mixing Process in Atomic RubidiumSahagun -- Towards Biphoton Generation for Hybrid Quantum SystemsSaywell -- Optimal pulse design for enhanced interferometer sensitivity and contrast
Schlupf -- Progress towards non-destructive measurements of Bloch oscillations as a force sensor to constrain dark matter theories
Shen -- Light -by-light control at quantum level mediated by flying atoms

van der Beek -- Towards a metastable helium BEC for atom interferometry
van der Werf -- Precision Spectroscopy on the 2 3S1 - 2 1S0 transition in 3He and 4He
Wodey -- Towards gravity sensing and tests of fundamental physics with the Hannover Very Long Baseline Atom Interferometer
Zhan -- ZAIGA Zhaoshan long-baseline Atom Interferometer Gravitation Antenna
Zhou -- Progress of the 10-meter atom interferometer

Summer School Posters




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